co-parenting coaching

You can have confidence that I have the knowledge and expertise needed to help you and your children at this challenging time.

Get proven strategies for navigating high-conflict, and achieve better outcomes for court-involved co-parents.

Co-Parenting Services

Getting the right support is crucial when you and your co-parent are in high-conflict. My services reflect the preferred approach of judges, attorneys, and mediators everywhere.

Co-Parenting Coaching

This service is offered both during the period of separation and/or after divorce finalization. Co-Parenting Coaching can:

  • Improve co-parent communication,

  • Provide informal mediation,

  • Help co-parents reduce conflict, and

  • Effectively implement their parenting plan

Co-parenting Coaching is a supportive space to navigate the complexities of raising children after a separation or divorce. By focusing on effective communication, conflict resolution, and collaborative decision-making, this service helps co-parents create a stable, nurturing environment for their children. The skills developed through co-parenting coaching not only reduce stress but also foster a healthier, more cooperative relationship between parents, benefiting the entire family.

New Ways for Families® Services

Developed by Bill Eddy at the High Conflict Institute, all New Ways for Families services focus on teaching The 4 Big Skills™:

  • Flexible thinking

  • Managed emotions

  • Moderation of behaviors

  • Checking yourself (not your co-parent!).

New Ways for Families Coaching Services are offered in a variety of formats to meet your individual circumstance and needs.

©2023 High Conflict Institute LLC. All rights reserved. Kenny Levine/Thrive Communication Skills, LLC is a Licensed Provider of New Ways for Families Services. The New Ways for Families® name is used with permission by the High Conflict Institute, but Kenny Levine/Thrive Communication Skills, LLC is not an employee or subsidiary of the High Conflict Institute

New Ways for Families® Decision Skills Class

  • Participation may be court-ordered or voluntary

  • Most effective when both co-parents enroll.

  • Learn The 4 Big Skills™ for decreasing co-parenting conflict, and building more peaceful communication.

  • Practice composing BIFF Responses®

  • Build skills for self-regulation and distress tolerance

  • Practice formulating constructive co-parenting proposals

  • Certificate of Participation awarded upon completion.

  • Taught in three 90 minute online group sessions.

New Ways for Families® Pre-Mediation Skills

  • Make mediation more effective by improving management of high-conflict behaviors.

  • Most effective when both co-parents receive coaching.

  • Learn the 4 Big Skills™.

  • Build skills for keeping the focus on the issues at hand

  • Practice formulating constructive proposals designed to resolve contentious issues that are likely to arise during mediation.

  • Offered as one 90 minute online coaching session, with additional coaching available if desired.

Click Here to schedule Pre-Mediation Skills coaching!

New Ways for Families® Parent Coaching

  • New Ways for Families® Parent Coaching is a structured program that provides parents in high-conflict with a higher level of skills training and support.

  • Participation may be court-ordered or voluntary.

  • Most effective when both parents enroll.

  • Curriculum includes one-on-one support in the following areas:

    • Setting individualized parenting goals, including goals pertaining to specific behaviors the court has ordered you to address.

    • Mastering the 4 Big Skills™, with an intensive focus on skills for self-regulation.

    • Composing BIFF Responses®.

    • Understanding the role of emotions in decision-making, and their potential impact on interpersonal interactions.

    • Moderating extreme behaviors.

    • Making effective proposals to your co-parent.

    • Protecting children from their parents’ strong emotions.

  • Taught in six 60 minute online individual coaching sessions.

You need a seasoned professional who understands the family courts,
and who can help you navigate this process.

How co-parenting coaching works

Every co-parenting situation is unique.

My goal is to give you the tools and support you need to de-escalate conflict, and create a co-parenting environment that allows you and your children to thrive.


  • All coaching services are provided via Zoom.

  • Therapy involves diagnosing and treating a disorder. I will help you identify areas of strength and weakness, but I will not be assessing or treating any mental health issues during coaching. Please click here to read Disclaimer page.

  • Yes, the New Ways for Families Decision Skills Class can be used to fulfill court requirements. Please talk to your attorney to see how New Ways for Families Services might be helpful to your legal case.

  • My fees vary, depending on the package of services you purchase. You can find all the services I offer and prices by clicking HERE

Get the professional, compassionate support you need to navigate high-conflict divorce.